- che pah- saraaaaa....!!!slmt ulang tahun yg ke 20..phiiiittt..ko dh tua..huk4...smoga cepat2 dpt jodoh..
- atin - hepi buday nonoi!! mge pjg umur n murah rezki tau.nnt leh blanje kte ek! ;-)
- adek - hepi bufday yg ke 20
- jo - hepi birth sara..
- ecah -sarah, hepi bday...
- z- (beliau bg mms, smpi skrg xdpt tgk, henpon cikai...)
- pikachu - hepi besday sara! da tue ko ye..hehe
- fain -weh, hepi besday.hehe..
- yasil(abg kah?) - SELAMAT HARI LAHIR...semoge pnjg umur& rajin study =>
- rem - ketiak busuk, kaki busuk, walaupon kdg2 ko busuk, ak tetap nk ucap..epi besday!YEAH!... keh3..
- fatirah - epi besday sarah.ingat aku slalu
- haze' - sarah epi besday mg pnjg umr dn mrh rzki..serta cpt btemu jodoh.hehe2 =>
- tuan lokman - happy sweet 20th bday
- hadi - sara! eppy burfday! smuge pnjg umor.. murah rezki ye.n smuge bdn yu smaken brtambah besar sket..umor da byk tp bdn kocik jek..huu...gurau jek..hehe..
- yani - nk anta kontena ucapan epy bfday..jgn nakal2...
- lync - fly in the plane of ambition and land on the airport of success..luck is yours..wish is mine..may ur future always shine..happy twen-teen birthday =P
- aida- hepi besday! dh tue! 20taun sudah!
- lokmam kebab - salam, aiye..ade org x?naseb bek ade..ni haa...ade hadiah nk bg..hepy besday ooo...!!!
- akif - oyt oyt hepi bday..dh tuwe haha..xda party ke?
- afiqah - sarah...hppy bc0mg bday k...moga mncurah2 la rzqi ko ek..=)
- belle - hepy besday gorgeus!!
- k.su - hepi besday wahai kanak2 ribena..hehe..
- jiha - eppi besdey...same tarikh ngan besday bapak aku...tetibe kene ingat besday ko gak..uih
- haze' - buat kali kedua, fs grafik..
- fariha - sarah!! hepi besday! =D
- hanif - sarah birthday ko ke hr ni?ha..aku wish hepi birthday to you..amik ni satu slice kek utk ko..ni jela yg aku mampu..duit ptptpu tak masuk ag..:p
- kazaesan - Salamun rahmatallahu taala wal appy Birthday larrr heheheheeh Be well & Stay appy hehehe.. assalamualaik'
- apih - hepi birthday!
- amy - ~salam~selamat hari lahir yg ke??smoga dpnjgkn umo & dmurhkn rezki dariNYA..aminnnn.....
- marwan - yearz after yearz... gud thingz nd bad thing we might see or may happen 2us..... a new year haz been given 2ur life....i wesh this year brights on ur face az a star..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL
hehe.. bkn sng nk wt advertisement free kt blog ktorg tau.. tmbh2 lg nk iklankn org tua.. :P
ceh...yela2...tq dpt ads free....free kan..???hahahaha
letak gak r nameku.ok2.
ni komen ak.
"Slamat hari Lahir. Smoga Hepi slalu."
letak r.haha.
yo dude...dh terlambat...itu semalam tahu????
haha..hepi belated besday..tuenye ko sarah
sungguh kurang sopan anda iylia....
tak hormat pada senior...hahahaha...
ape yg comel..??? xpela timaseh...heheh!!
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