sidang konvokesyen saya pada isnin petang.
saya tak teruja mana pun. sebab? tah. tak ada sebab untuk teruja jugak pun kan.
mak long kata beliau teringin nak datang konvo saya. dah cakap siap siap masa datang beraya dulu.
tapi saya suruh mak kata, saya tak pegi konvo.
lepas tu, pak ngah pulak offer nak anta mak dan adik beradik ke ukm kalau nak pi konvo saya nanti. siap call. mesej. nak tanya saya.
lagi, saya kata saya tak pegi.
ini konvo saya. bukan nak berlagak atau apa.
tapi sumpah saya takda hati nak pegi.
orang yang saya paling nak dia pergi konvo saya, tak boleh dan takkan datang pun.
so, apa pointnya berkonvo bila the only person u want to prove ur worth is not there and cant even know that u succeeded?
ini konvo saya!
saya nak orang yang sentiasa push and pull me to do better each time i breakdown to be there. to watch me and smile proudly of what i've achieved and become. and he sure know how to do it the most gentle way. its not easy, i of all people, know. to make me try harder everytime i gave up. only 1 person can do that.
and for that 1 person that always told me to get the highest education i can, i went through college. its though. and i barely survived, but i did it for him.
and this is all for him.
but he wont be there.
biarpun semua, SEMUA orang kata, ni kenangan yang saya akan ingat seumur hidup.
biarpun SEMUA orang kata, dah bayar, pegi jela.
biarpun SEMUA orang kata, rugi oh tak pegi.
biarpun SEMUA orang kata, penat-penat belajar. apakes tak pegi konvo.
biar APAPUN yang SEMUA orang kata. sumpah saya tak peduli. saya tak kisah langsung.
tak apa kalau tak ada orang paham.
sejak 2006 saya dah buat semuanya sendiri. cuma soal duit terpaksa mintak pada mak. maklumlah.
semua saya buat sendiri.
i mean, u sort of have to when u dont have anyone to do it for u.
bertahun-tahun saya seolah-olah tak ada sedara mara. macam sebatang kara.
cuma kawan-kawan dan adik beradik yang buat masa saya terisi.
u dont know how that feel like.
tapi saya cukup bertuah. semua yang saya buat semua senang selesai.
kalau ada masalah, bila saya reach out to people, they helped.
saya bertuah.
cuma, tuah saya terbatas jugak.
bukan nak kata saya lone ranger. terer je buat sorang-sorang.
tapi, kalau dah sebelum ni, tanya kabar pun tak, tetibe time konvo, u wanna play closest relatives? u wanna play dad?
dont even try. i dont need fake one.
i just need my father.
Friday, 23 September 2011
Saturday, 17 September 2011
go your own way
Everyone wants to be pretty. Everyone wants to be smart. Cool. Perfect. That is. But, not everyone has the privilege, see. We all born without things we want the most. That's why we want it. Because we don't have it.
Then people tell you to be thankful of things you have. Like they have no desire in life, just gratefulness. That's when you feel like telling them to shut it. Suddenly, you become that kind of girl. Just like that.
Then people tell you to be thankful of things you have. Like they have no desire in life, just gratefulness. That's when you feel like telling them to shut it. Suddenly, you become that kind of girl. Just like that.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
post mortem raya : jumlah duit raya
kenapa nak konvo pun payah benor?
ada tugasan-tugasan yang perlu dibuat seperti kajian penge-apebende entah. nak buat tu takda hal sangat,(walaupun banyak jugak perkataan yang keluar bila terbaca dekat portal pelajar) yang masalah utama nye, sistem nak buat tu pun tak betul, asik fail je, pastu bagi julat tarikh. kena buat sebelum sekian sekian. tet tet tet. pastu, tak buat takleh konvo. kejadah?
lagi satu, bila try log in aja untuk membuatnya, failed. try lagi. failed lagi. refresh le pulak kan ke konon-konon internet broadband yang dipinjam kakak ni cap siput. try log in balik. fail. status, sila rujuk universiti. kejadah bila universiti dah suruh buat?
ahh! pergi mati la anda. (memaki secara sopan)
nasib baik la ada cara untuk sedapkan hati.

hei.hei. bukan nak tunjuk hutang yang masih berbaki.
fokus pada ini aja.

ahhh..apa ada pada duit raya?
p/s: tabung raya kali ini berjumlah 0 sen.
ada tugasan-tugasan yang perlu dibuat seperti kajian penge-apebende entah. nak buat tu takda hal sangat,(walaupun banyak jugak perkataan yang keluar bila terbaca dekat portal pelajar) yang masalah utama nye, sistem nak buat tu pun tak betul, asik fail je, pastu bagi julat tarikh. kena buat sebelum sekian sekian. tet tet tet. pastu, tak buat takleh konvo. kejadah?
lagi satu, bila try log in aja untuk membuatnya, failed. try lagi. failed lagi. refresh le pulak kan ke konon-konon internet broadband yang dipinjam kakak ni cap siput. try log in balik. fail. status, sila rujuk universiti. kejadah bila universiti dah suruh buat?
ahh! pergi mati la anda. (memaki secara sopan)
nasib baik la ada cara untuk sedapkan hati.

hei.hei. bukan nak tunjuk hutang yang masih berbaki.
fokus pada ini aja.

ahhh..apa ada pada duit raya?
p/s: tabung raya kali ini berjumlah 0 sen.
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Lie to me.
if anyone notice(i hardly think anyone did actually), at the bottom of this page, it says, me and the boifren will be having our special day together.
but, he's been taking it lightly.
he's like, go settle your room. go settle your work-related problem first la then we go dating happily.
i, of all people, know!
but, i'd like to multi-task, don't i?
and the thought of it, makes me thrilled, even it's not a fixed date.
how do we tell them boys when we know they'll never get it?
it's not like we girls expect to have candles or ballons AND those romantic drama.
like this one from (kalau dapat memang happy belakang kiralah kan. sapa tak suka macam ni.)
no. we actually know our position.
orang kata, laki bini pun tak beria aih. awat hang nak over. baru belajo bercinta ke.
as a matter of fact. yes. we both are. HAPPY?
it's just that, it's not like any other saturday date. it's something different. special, we'd like to call it. and the thought of making it special, makes it special itself. so basically, thinking about it, makes us girl happy. (so we boys DON'T have to put any effort in it??? - they probably question-think this.)
well. yes. and no.
yes you don't have to actually put ANY effort in that. believe me. all you have to do is, act like it. like you've been thinking about it but failed. or things like that. lie. if u must. cause that lie surely makes girl happy.
say that u tried to get a ticket to go to this, that, but, cant get hold of it.
your sweet girlfren will DEFINITELY believe you and say they don'tmind. you tried.
see? seeee?????
what she doesn't know won't hurt her.
no. because u canNOT do that everytime. if u use this tactics to often, u gonna get caught man!
p/s: but cheating is a very different story. u dont hear that from me.
but, he's been taking it lightly.
he's like, go settle your room. go settle your work-related problem first la then we go dating happily.
i, of all people, know!
but, i'd like to multi-task, don't i?
and the thought of it, makes me thrilled, even it's not a fixed date.
how do we tell them boys when we know they'll never get it?
it's not like we girls expect to have candles or ballons AND those romantic drama.

like this one from (kalau dapat memang happy belakang kiralah kan. sapa tak suka macam ni.)
no. we actually know our position.
orang kata, laki bini pun tak beria aih. awat hang nak over. baru belajo bercinta ke.
as a matter of fact. yes. we both are. HAPPY?
it's just that, it's not like any other saturday date. it's something different. special, we'd like to call it. and the thought of making it special, makes it special itself. so basically, thinking about it, makes us girl happy. (so we boys DON'T have to put any effort in it??? - they probably question-think this.)
well. yes. and no.
yes you don't have to actually put ANY effort in that. believe me. all you have to do is, act like it. like you've been thinking about it but failed. or things like that. lie. if u must. cause that lie surely makes girl happy.
say that u tried to get a ticket to go to this, that, but, cant get hold of it.
your sweet girlfren will DEFINITELY believe you and say they don'tmind. you tried.
see? seeee?????
what she doesn't know won't hurt her.
no. because u canNOT do that everytime. if u use this tactics to often, u gonna get caught man!
p/s: but cheating is a very different story. u dont hear that from me.
Friday, 2 September 2011
URGENT! bilik sewa berdekatan plaza ibm, bandar utama. takberapa nak dekat pun takpa asalkan boleh capai dengan public transport.
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