wif my stdy...
wif my financial...
wif my LIFE....
all these years i realized dat, people,.susah sgt nk mntk tolong...malu, segan dan sebagainye lah...
sbg org timur, mmg lah sgt bgs sikap segan neh..
tp ape org kate??? kne la bertempat...kan?kan?
mcm kalo stdy tu mcm hampeh, jgn segan2, pegi je kat lect or senior2( ad double meaning jumpe senior,tmbh2 senior yg ad rupe nuh kan..haha)
ape nk segan nye???
adat la kan...malu bertanye sesat jalan kan?kan?
bendenye, kite ni bkn superman...
every single thing can be done by ourselves...
we need other people and they need us too...
we live as a community rite???
i know! i know!
sumtimes things can go wrong...
pertolongan yg kite mntk dh menyusahkan org len
or getting serious or complicated berbanding kite buat sendiri...
but, that's life rite???
at least we tried...wat ever will be, will be...
the future is unpredictable...(unless u read ur horoskop, but that does not count ok???)
tak tau la kenape, some people ni, susah sgt nk bkk mulut nk mntk tulun org...
kalo susah pon, fmly kan ade...
takkan la takleh kongsi dgn fmly sikit pon???
maybe org tu akan kate, susah, family tak phm...
nk gtau kwn nnt dorg bkn leh wat pe pon...esp psl love affair ni..huh!
well, that, im not sure...
perhaps ur parent, yg dh mkn garam berkilo2 b4 u, ad sikit cadangan kan..who knows??
that fren of urs,
they can just listen to u.., it does help,u know...
if they are ur fren,
so, in the name of frenship, they wont be burdened by ur story telling
my point is,
belajar la....
belaja untuk mempercayai...
belajar untuk berkongsi..
belajar untuk meminta...
belaja untuk menerima...
belaja menjadi manusia...
belajar untuk bersahabat....
belajar untuk menjadi a part of the world...
(err...byk lagi rupenye jenis2 ilmu kat dunia neh..)
the most important thing is......